Don't Settle For This! You Deserve a REAL Water Feature!
Landscapers are a dime a dozen. Would you let your mechanic fill your cavities just because he owns a drill? Call a specialist! Call Moving Water (904) 335-7656
Unique Plants
I am always on the look out for new and unusual plants. My gamble with a supposedly hardy terrestrial/bog orchid paid off more so than my "black" lily which ended up blooming more magenta!
This is my 12th year creating water features with my own eye towards mimicking nature. All photos posted here are projects that I have completed. (With the exception of the monstrosity at the top of the page and the photos to the right) In addition to laboring on and managing my own projects I am a partnering subcontractor for both Glover Nursery and Desert Water Gardens, two leaders in the aquaculture industry. Some of my projects can be seen yearly on the Utah Water Gardening Association's pond tour.
Welcome Moving Water's new partner! Daryl comes from a construction background but in the last few years has taken to ponds like a fish to water. His talents shine in his meticulous stone work and attention to detail. Whether placing thousand pound boulders into their niche or at the controls of the excavator. His skills are an invaluable asset and we're so happy to have him on board.
Daryl Young
Wandering For Water
Nothing is more inspiring to me than to get out into the world and into nature. There I find my muse. Below are some highlights of "moving water". From formal fountains in the French gardens of Versailles to clear running mountain streams in Central and South America, Asia and beyond. All move me.